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This has been a dream in the making for years...

Sarah Lee's daughter, Kiawah Beach, age 3

Back when my daughter was little, I suggested that she look up, with intention, at least once a day. I do this and believe humanity would be happier if everyone did. On walks and mom-daughter trips, I taught my daughter to really see the flowers and the landscapes. Now, all grown up, we do this together and it is just one of a million bonds we share.

I attempt to capture images with my camera that make others also look up, with intention to see the flowers and landscape. I don’t really set out to photograph a specific subject, but I am always drawn to calm scenes in nature: blooms, sunsets, coastlines, patterns in our natural world. I consider it a gift and a blessing that I see the beauty in God’s creations, without difficulty.

But sadly, too many plow through weeks without ever noticing the beauty around them—they miss out on free joy!

After several successful years of art shows and selling to collectors, I wanted to rebrand and capture the warmth and intimacy inherent in my work in order to share more widely the joy, calm, and beauty of God’s world in a way that is unique to each person, just as every flower, every sunset, every wave is truly one of a kind. I knew of, and admired, the extraordinary brand strategist and designer, Erika Brechtel, and was thrilled when she agreed to assist me. We worked on a design that expresses who I am as a photographer and artist, and the values that matter to me as a person. I’m overjoyed with the result and hope the rebranding affords those who view my work a glimpse of who I am, and why I am so passionate about sharing the beauty of nature with others through my images and also, my words. 

I hope my brand encourages others to look up, look around them, see the good, the calm, the beautiful. It is everywhere!